Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes. All make up A Day in the Life of the Taylor trio.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ten on Tuesday

1. It is gloomy and rainy outside today and I feel a bit like hibernating, but alas we are almost out of milk so I must drag myself and Lily to the grocery store. I really don't like going to the grocery store.
2. Yesterday I subbed for an after school program for the Akron Public Schools. It was kind of fun doing a lesson plan and getting to hang out with sweet little kindergarteners singing songs, and playing games and coloring. But it was only two hours long and I came home exhausted. I am out of practice I think.
3. Lily is biting. EVERYTHING. Me, toys, the armoire, books, blankets, her crib, her highchair. It is not fun.
4. I have an enormous amount of scanning to do. I have probably (gasp) fifteen layouts or more waiting to be scanned and posted. I really must get on that.
5. One of my favorite songs right now is "Boa Constrictor" by Shel Silverstein. Did you know that was a song? Did you know that Shel Silverstein has a CD of his poetry? Do you realize how odd Shel Silverstein really is?
6. I have to get a flu shot tomorrow. I HATE shots. I am really not looking forward to it. AT ALL.
7. I have decided that I want to be done with my Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving. We shall see if that happens, but it is now in writing so hopefully that will help.
8. Guess what song is in my head. Again. "you make me craaaaazzzaaaay! you make me craaaaaazaay..."
9. Did I mention I really hate shots?
10. Now it is pouring outside...what is it about rainy days that makes you want to curl up with a good book, or do a puzzle? So what is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love rainy days! I so could live in Seattle. Favorite things: taking a nap, baking cookies, cup of tea, blankie on the couch -watching Steel Magnolias with tea and warm cookies!
Hope your trip to the grocery store is fast - nothing worse then trying to get a baby in the carseat and grocerys packed in the rain!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Sheri said...

Hi Marie,
I love your Ten on Tuesday.

I hate going to the grocery store when i don't feel like it.

So cool that you went in for a couple hours to Kindergarten. Exhausting, but it sounds like fun too to be around the little kiddos.


3:15 PM  
Blogger kwpershey said...

I got one of Shel Silverstein's CDs out of the library when I was at Kent State. I loved it. But you haven't experienced the extent of his weirdness until you've seen his adult work. Very. odd.

Get thee back to thy scanner. Auntie Katherine needs new fodder.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Mary Jo said...

Oh Marie - I can so relate to all ten. Hate grocery shopping and guess what? I had to do it in the pouring rain yesterday because we were out of EVERYTHING!!
And yes, Kindergarteners can definitely wear you out! :)

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's snowing here! well not right this moment, but it has been!

7:35 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

i love rainy days! take an extra long time to drink a hot beverage!

11:24 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

I agree that Shel is a bit odd, but he's got some pretty funny stuff out there.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Mi'Chelle said...

Bleh, shots.


Scan away. I just saw one of your LO's in the gallery. Gorgeous.

I'm off to check for more!

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me no likey shots, either, but I'd rather suffer the shot than get the flu.

Oooh, yes, Marie. Please become friends with the scanner again.

I love seeing your latest creations!

2:55 PM  
Blogger Shelly Brewer said...

I agree with all of your comments. You do know that Shel Silverstein is dead? I love his work. I also love rainy days. I watch hours of TV on DVD. I also scrap and read and sleep. Why don't you just sub at your old job, where I can see you? Ticks me off:)

7:55 PM  

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