Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes. All make up A Day in the Life of the Taylor trio.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ten on Tuesday

1. Wilna won!!! Thanks for everyone for voting :)
2. Target has changed to their thin crappy holiday bags. I didn't even bother to mention it to the cashier this year as last year Bj and I mentioned it and she vehemently claimed they were the same. However, you can't fool us die hard T shoppers...
3. Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are in Akron tonight. They are doing a series on our elections as they are so important and so heated. Boy do I wish I could be in that audience. I would highly recommend watching last nights show too if you can catch it. Perhaps it was just funnier because it was in Columbus and I got the Ohio jokes, but I was laughing out loud.
4. Rainy and cold and blah today...but I am ok with it as I actually have internet ;)
5. Lily was a crabby crabby mess tonight. Sigh. She did give me a very sweet "baby" kiss before I put her in bed though...just so sweet.
6. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE candy corn, but I have officially had my capacity for the year.
7. I had a really good mail day today...a Halloween card for Lily from her Grandma and Grandpa, my Kraft Magazine with lots of yummy recipes, my December CK which has REALLY put me in the Christmas mood.a mailer from Archivers with a special coupon for their "elite" customers. I really don't know what I had to do to get that distinction ;p
8. I had whole wheat suffing and butternut squash soup for dinner tonight. I believe I have also had my sodium intake allowance for the year...
9. I went to K-Mart today to kill some time on this yucky rainy day and I would highly recommend you do the same to look at the Martha Stewart Christmas line. Such cute stuff or lets say such cool, vintage, NOT cutesie stuff. FYI, please don't go by the stuff they have on their website...blech. Really. I promise. It is cool. In real life.
10. Ok, so all this talk about Christmas, I guess I had probably get on with saying Happy Halloween! This is my favorite day because it means all the scary movies and ads for movies will soon be off the air and replaced with Christmas movies and ads. So here is my NON-scary child (making a non little miss sunshine face...)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ruined my day, mama. You ruined my day!

10:15 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

So cute, little flower! Thanks for sharing Halloween with us!

11:35 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

Super cute flower- love the little ladybug there, too. I couldn't get mine to leave the head contraption on (in reference to the ears- how was your luck?)

11:48 PM  
Blogger Mi'Chelle said...

what a doll!

I, too, am always very happy when the scary Halloween movie campaigns end.


2:17 AM  
Blogger mindi11 said...

i haven't been to kmart in MONTHS. i am now inspired to's like 5 am and i'm trying to figure out how i could sneak out of the house without kids/hubby to locate the nearest one.

6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did the much anticipated halloween card from elizabeth show up? she seemed rather evil about it. or did it contain a little something like oh i don't know a picture from an ultrasound?

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Yep, I'm also very happy to bid a fair adieu to the scary Halloween movies and such.

I love the Christmas season!!!

6:23 PM  
Blogger Charissa said...

She's so sweet! And I don't care what you say - I LOVE the face... she's a sad, little flower and we love her.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Marie.

I hate to say it, but I actually kind of liked it when you were offline because I've been too busy to read blogs and I wasn't worried about getting behind on reading yours.

And now you're back, and I'm behind.

But now I'm caught up. For now.

I hear ya on the candy corn... ooh - it's sweet. Love it, but yeah, I'm done. Time to move on to Christmas sweets that rot our teeth.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Malnurtured Snay said...

I hate Target. They just upgraded me from a red-card to a red-visa-card and upped my limit. Must ... resist ... urge ...

10:00 AM  

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