Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes. All make up A Day in the Life of the Taylor trio.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

Today I
1. cleaned all the cabinets, drawers and shelves in my kitchen. Can anyone tell me how in the world I ended up with 58, yes I said FIFTY-EIGHT pens and pencils in my drawers?
2. took Lily on a tricycle ride and for a walk around the block. IN MY FLIP FLOPS.
3. had a poptart for lunch. *gasp*
4. took 100 pictures while hanging outside. Not that they are all good, but there are 100 of them. I call this one "big huge belly, little little feet"
5. did NOT take a nap. Something tells me I am going to bed VERY early tonight.
6. found seven boxes of Jello. I can't even remember the last time I even made Jello.
7. laughed when Lily asked me "what's the problem?" I just think it is so funny to hear her say grown-up words.
8. started a list of stuff I want from itunes including: Meiko, Sondre Lerche, and Catherine Feeny.
9. Listened to Eric Hutchison for the twenty millionth time.
10. Opened my doors and aired out the house. But don't get too jealous, it may be 63 today, but it is supposed to be in the 30's and snowing by this weekend.



Blogger nadine jenine said...

flip flops!? that just isn't right.

9:16 PM  
Blogger Heather J Elder said...

Ya know...I have the same problem, but with pudding!! I honestly don't EVER eat pudding. Yet I have atleast one box in every flavor. BTW, I totally pulled out my flops yesterday! Rock On!

9:24 PM  
Blogger christine said...

I am jealous though! My kids would love to ride their bikes and I would love to wear my sandals longer than running to the mailbox!

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on, i want to see a *real* belly picture!!! mmmm poptarts :-) yum!

8:10 PM  

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