Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes. All make up A Day in the Life of the Taylor trio.


Sunday, December 18, 2005


So after six glorious, wonderful, luxurious nights of sleeping uninterrupted sleep until 7 or 8am, Lily decided last night that it would be a good idea to get up at 12:15am and not really go back to bed until, well NEVER. We tried the couch, her bed, our bed, feeding, rocking, singing. Nothing worked. Add her Daddy's bear like, louder than a sonic boom snoring, and needless to say, I got no sleep. You remember that feeling when you spent the night at your friend's house and went to bed way too late? Kind of a sick to the stomach, dazed, headache feeling? Yep. I didn't miss that feeling. I am so sorry Elizabeth. I hope Gracie starts sleeping better soon.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Mama Cooked!

I am not a cook. I am, however, attempting to improve my fear of the kitchen and add to my limited list of "ok I can do this" food. Tonight was my attempt at Lasagna. I am proud to say that it was a success! Not without a glitch however as I did not buy enough mozzarella cheese. Luckily I almost had enough in the fridge. Oh and I forgot to spray the pan before I put everything in. THIS is why my stuff never works! Oh well. It was good tonight!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Happy Birthday Mor-Mor!

Not so great picture, but cute baby!

I'm Sorry

Mama, I'm sorry for crying for two hours tonight. I'm sorry that my cold has not gone away yet. I'm sorry that I spit up ALL over you...again. But aren't I just so cute?

Lily, it's ok that you cried for two hours tonight. It's ok that your cold hasn't gone away yet-I just hope you feel better soon. It's ok that you spit up ALL over me again, I can always change my shirt, but I would never change anything about you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I never (borrowed from {Decorate Your Soul})

I've never met my new friend Susie
I've never seen Gone with the Wind
I've never jumped out of a plane...I never will
I've never been a Mama during Christmas...yet.

Your turn.

A Clean(er) Craft Room

On Sunday I spent most of the day cleaning my craft room to create a space larger than 2"x2" to work. Although it is far from perfect, I finished it tonight. Wonder how long it will stay this clean...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Look what I can do!

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa!

I just love my new toy. I love to make my bear make lots of noise, I love to watch the bears dance above my head, and I love to swing. I am having so much fun!


So Bj and I (thanks to Mor-Mor) were finally able to go out on a date to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was so good!! It was a bit weird trying to make conversation that didn't include talk about Lily. How did we have conversations before she was born? What in the world did we talk about?? (BTW, not the best picture, but right after I took it I had a dead camera battery. Oh well.)

Friday, December 09, 2005

Laughing Lily

Lily LOVES laughing at her Daddy's funny faces.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Remembering the "old" days

Tonight I went to the High School Choir Concert. It was a mixture of pride and sadness for me-so proud of my "kids" and sadness that they aren't really my "kids" anymore. Yes I know that I will see many of them through musical, but I miss the choirs, showchoir, and the madrigals. I am so glad that I got to come home to my beautiful daughter to lift my spirits. The picture of the day is of two of my kids (posted with their permission). They are wearing some of the old school Madrigals costumes. In fact I wore that red and black dress and I believe Bj wore the other costume.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

How cool.

I just discovered that someone from Lima, Peru has visited my blog. I love the internet.

The conversation

Lily's new pastime is having conversations with herself in her mirror. Sticking out her tongue while babbling non-stop. I just wish I knew what she was saying. Probably only Gracie knows.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Best mail day

My goodness did I have a wonderful mail day. Not only did I get my books from Amazon that I ordered, but I also got a 30% off coupon from Archivers, my new Simple Scrapbooks magazine (a gift from my Mama), and a letter from my new friend Susie. Yep, it was the best mail day ever.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa

Thank you for letting me borrow your Christmas tree. Thank you for coming over to watch Lily-sometimes at a moments notice. Thank you for making Bj's birthday so great. Thank you for being such great parents. Thank you for being such great Grandparents. Thank you for everything you do. THANK YOU.

Happy Birthday BJ! (one day late)

Happy Birthday! (Sorry I forgot to buy candles!)

December 3 (a few days late)

Because we were in balmy Colorado for Thanksgiving we missed the first snow of the year. This is a picture of our back yard with a fresh coat of Ohio snow. I can't wait until Lily can go sledding like her cousins!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Baby colds stink

Lily has her first serious cold. No fever, just a nose that sounds like a mix between a cat coughing up a hairball and Darth Vader. Oh my do I feel helpless. I must note that the Vicks Humidifier did not make it in the picture. So any advice fellow Mamas?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My piano

Inspired by my photo fantastic sister, I am attempting a December photo of the day. I want Lily to someday have an idea what a day in the life of her busy Mama's life was like for her very first December.

My piano (inspired by Elizabeth). I love my piano. It was given to me by my oldest friend's mother, Mrs. T. This piano is so special in so many ways. It is what I use to practice, how I make my living (three lessons today!), and the instrument I intend to teach my daughter to play on. Most important, this is the piano that I learned to play on, taking lessons once a week with Mrs. T. So many memories are wrapped up in this beautiful instrument. Thank you again Mrs. T!!!